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"I'll be immortal, won't l?"

These are the words expressed by the shaman, Shiva Raj Rai many times during the period of collection and publication of the mundum. In fact, the extinct of the mundum, which contains the experiences, philosophy and knowledge and wisdom of the kirat community and which has been being transmitted traditional from one generation to another from the preshistoric time through shamans does not mean the demise of Shiva Raj Rai alone, but the loss of the entire kirati knowledge and heritage. 

Conversely, preservation of the mundum will only not make Shiva  Raj Rai immortal bit it will save the kirati knowledge and heritage. This can only be done by collection and publication of the mundum. This is our campaign and we believe that this campaign will be broader and more extensive in the days to come. This volume "Mundum: The myth of origin" is the first step in the journey of this mighty task.

We are very clear that like any other body of prehistoric knowledge such as the veda or the Bible, the mundum is also different from modern science and technology regarding the mysteries of universe, earth, creators and creation, life and death, diseases, nature or the natural calamities. 

However, the knowledge of today is based on the knowledge of the past: modern knowledge is a gradual development of the past knowledge and there lies the importance of the mundum like any other ancient religious philosophies. It cannot be compensation by the modern and postmodern knowledge.

What our forefather did was the transmission of the kirat history, philosophy cultural heritage to us through the mundum. We need to carry this legacy to the next generation. In course of archiving mundum. We felt that mundum is vanishing fast. The shamans who are still alive are almost above 60 yours. On the other hand, there are no shamans in the young generation. 

This transitional period reflects how mundum we are in danger of losing our identify. we need to archive the mundum fast so that the legacy of our ancestors could be saved and passed to the next generation: this will be the real expression of respect and honour to our ancestors. Part 1


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