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The Mythological Character Barbarik and Yalung Hang (King Yalambar)

 The Mythological Character Barbarik and Yalung Hang (King Yalambar) Yalung Hang Yalambar hang


Meaning of "Barbarik"

Barbarik is a character from the mythological epic Mahabharata. However, the belief that Barbarik was the Kirat king Yalambar is a misconception and a false narrative.

The word "Barbarik" has 67 synonyms and opposite meanings. Its synonyms include words like uncivilized, savage, and wild.

Meaning of Barbarik in Sanskrit

  • Barbar = Uncivilized, Evil
  • Ik = A person
  • Barbar + Ik = Barbarik

The origin of the word Barbarik comes from Latin:

  • Latin = "Barbaros"
  • Meaning = Evil

Thus, Barbarik is a derogatory term.

Meaning in Greek

In Greek, Barbarik is referred to as Barbarikas, with the same meaning.

Example: A Barbarik would be someone who eats children alive.


  • The English Heritage, The Dictionary of English Heritage
  • Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1977

The Historical Perspective

The Greeks used the term Barbarik = Barbarian to refer to the Mongoloid indigenous people of the Himalayan region of Asia. Even today, Western countries do not favor flat-nosed ethnic groups. You can search "Asian Hate" on YouTube to see related content.

Similarities Between Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek

These three languages are referred to as sibling languages. In 1785, a linguistic scholar named William Jones conducted an in-depth study of Sanskrit. He found striking similarities between Sanskrit, Latin, and Greek. Without even translating Sanskrit words, he identified their meanings based on his knowledge of Latin and Greek.

Genetic Evidence of Indo-European Migration

According to the 2001 Genome study, Indo-European-speaking people migrated from Eurasia into India. These people entered from the northwest and later became known as Aryans.

Source: Genetic Evidence on the Origin of Indians

Conflict Between Aryans and the Kirat Civilization

As Eurasian (Aryan) migrants entered India, they came into conflict with the Kirat people. The Kirat civilization was a powerful Mongoloid society that ruled from the Himalayas (Kashmir) to Myanmar under the leadership of Yalung Hang (King Yalambar).

The Kirat Empire was highly dominant, and the Aryans were no match for their strength. As a result, the Aryans began defaming the Kirat people. Even today, in India, Mongoloid people from Sikkim, Darjeeling, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Assam are often mocked and called "Chinese" or "Chinky." Recently, Nagaland has even separated from India to establish its own identity.

The Distortion of Kirat History

This is why King Yalung Hang has been wrongly associated with the Mahabharata as "Yalambar." However, this is a fabricated narrative.

The True Name: Yalung Hang, Not Yalambar

  • In ancient times, all Kirat kings had "Yalum" in their names, similar to how British queens have "Elizabeth" in their names.
  • The courage and battle skills of Yalung Hang were famous across Asia.
  • During the war, Krishna deceptively killed him, as he had the power to end the entire Mahabharata.
  • His severed head is now worshiped as "Akash Bhairav" by the Newar community.

However, he was not "Yalambar". The confusion arose because all Kirat kings had "Yalum" in their names. People misinterpreted "Yalum-Amar" (meaning "Immortal Yalum") as "Yalambar."

Thus, Mahabharata is a fictional mythological story, not history.

The Aryan Manipulation of Language

The Aryans intentionally distorted many words and misrepresented them in history.


  • We should not use the name "Yalambar", but rather "Yalung Hang."
  • The history of the Kirat civilization is real, unlike the fictional Mahabharata.
  • The Kirat people should learn their true history and spread awareness.

NamsamHanga Bantawa Rai


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